Friday, July 22, 2011

A Mistaken Romance

There are some relationships that we get into that may be alright for the time being, but later on, we discover that it was a mistake to be together. This doesn't just have to apply to intimate bf/gf relationships. This can also apply to friendships. I have made plenty of friends over my 23 years of life. I have made a few best friends, a lot of good friends, and a few friends that I no longer speak to and realize that maybe our relationship as friends probably should never had occured. With those few friends that I never speak to anymore, our relationship ended in the worst possible way. (E-mail me to know the whole story.) It's funny when you think about it. They might have been really nice, but the last memory of the person usually stick in our mind longer than the beginning of the friendship when it was very good. Why is that?

I think that even though we all may agree that these bad break-ups by friends, loved ones, etc. are mistakes, it never stops us from wanting to seek out new friends. I think the only thing you can do after a friendship ends is to learn what went wrong and know what not to do next time. You may not want to speak with the old friend for awhile, but when making new friends, you can try to avoid causing the same incident that occured in the previous friendship.

This was especially true in my next story. Follow this link: A Mistaken Romance. It is a story, how one woman was in a relationship with a guy in junior high and how that relationship spiraled out of control after ten years. Although she is still not with the guy anymore and has been happily married with someone else, the guy is still hung-up on her and wants to be with her. This is an example of how we can not change the past, but how we can still make the best possible future out of a current situation.

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