Sunday, February 26, 2012

Adventures are yet to come!

Have you ever felt that you have been stuck in a rut and wondered what exciting opportunity would come next?

This is how I felt throughout most of my life. I had wanted to become a teacher since grade school and pretty much lost sight of anything else that I could possibly imagine doing aside from teaching. Now that teaching is no longer an option for me, I have embraced a life of adventure and living in the moment. I'm in my second quarter of school, in order to learn medical billing and coding and love every minute of it! I have always been proficient at computers and loved the medical field, the office part, not so much of the actual doctor and nurses' jobs! LOL Not only have I discovered a new talent and interest of mine, but I have also made new friends at Fred Meyers, where I am currently working. I feel that God has closed one door in my life, but has opened a new door that will lead to many possibilities in my life.

Throughout this realization, I have learned a lot about myself. I am not just this quiet, laid back girl that most people think I am. I am adventurous, loving, caring, God fearing, and want to enjoy life to the fullest each and every day. If you can't enjoy life, why bother living it it, right?

So...what's next for me?.... I am going to finish training courses on medical billing and coding, receive a full time job, and eventually move to North Carolina, which has been on the back of mind since college! I also want to travel the world, see most of Europe, Asia, South America, and beyond! I want to experience different cultures and broaden my perspective of the world! Eventually, I would like to settle down and have a family, but right now...I am just happy to be where I'm at in life and hope to never lose this amazing sense of peace and adventurous nature about me!

And in my previous posts, I have posted a link to my stories that I have written. Most of you may not realize this, but they are more like my journals, written as a diary about my life. Although most of the situations may not have happened to me personally, my thoughts and emotions are all over the words written. Want to try and guess which character I based myself on? I don't know if these stories will ever be published, but right now...I don't care! If no one reads my stories, it doesn't matter because they are my journals and my critique is the only opinion that matters! I'm actually thinking that my stories shouldn't be published in a book anyways, if I had to share my stories with the world, I would choose to use these stories as a screen play!

I have shared many of my aspirations with you for my own future! What is it that you hope to accomplish? Or have you done everything you want to achieve in life? Is this really true that you don't have one thing left to accomplish? In my experience, God always finds a way to give us new experiences as either an exciting accomplishment or a tough challenge to overcome. And it is how we deal with these experiences that will define who we are for the rest of our lives!

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