Monday, January 6, 2014

Never Underestimate The Power Of Forgiveness

I was skimming through the TV guide this morning and came across a Hallmark movie called Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness. While reading the information, I realized that I knew the family from back in elementary school. While I originally started watching the film because I was already familiar with the story, I kept watching because of the powerful message of forgiveness.

Like the movie, any one person are flawed and are capable of making mistakes. Some people make more dire mistakes than others. However, if we give that person a second chance to take their mistakes and turn it into a positive influence than that chance opportunity was worth taking.

Like my earlier post of Sweet Revenge, I talked about being bullied in elementary school and how I resented the girls who took part in it. I know from experience that I can not go back and change what had occurred, neither does resenting those girls help me create a better future for myself. However, what I can do is accept what happened, learn from the experience, and move on. Although I haven't had the opportunity to talk to them since the occasion, I am fairly certain that if they were to come up to me and apologize, I would forgive them. I know that what they did back then is in their past and may not be who they are today.

So the next time you are faced with the opportunity to resent someone or forgive them, I hope you choose to forgive. It will make the weight lift off your shoulders and just might make that person want to be a better person as well.

Here is a link to my story:

Second Chances

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